Updates on WC Projects

Many thanks to the Ithaca Journal for their recent follow-up article about Amber Little and TJ Goehner, two of the former Cost Cutter stylists. If you haven’t read it,  please take a moment: http://www.theithacajournal.com/article/20100308/NEWS01/3080362/Former-salon-employees-turn-lemons-to-lemonade


The Listening Project is something new that the Workers’ Center is working on. Our goal is to learn about the working experiences of our neighbors in Tompkins County and to figure out how we can best help people in the future. I personally think the Listening Project is something more, though: it can be the record of history. Think about those out-of-work writers who, during the Great Depression, were employed with the Federal Writers Project. Many of those writers collected valuable oral histories of people who had been born enslaved.

We’d love it if you would volunteer to be listened to: every story is important to us.

For more information on the Federal Writers Project and examples of slave narratives, visit the Library of Congress collection at http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/snhtml/

For a current, nationwide effort to gather and preserve stories, visit the StoryCorps website at http://storycorps.org/about