29 Tompkins County Clergy Write to Wal-Mart

December 15, 2004

Mr. Dave Jacobson
Ithaca Wal-Mart General Manager
135 Fairgrounds Parkway
Ithaca, NY 14850

Dear Mr. Jacobson:

As members of the clergy and other representatives of faith communities in
Ithaca and Tompkins County, we write to undergird the appeals you have
received from our local government officials and civic leaders. We
believe that the concerns they have expressed about Wal-Mart’s wage
policies, along with other matters affecting worker well-being, constitute
a moral issue. They come from a moral consensus that working people have a
basic human right to compensation and conditions of employment that assure
for them a sufficient livelihood, safety and respect on the job, and
affordable, quality healthcare.

We know that Wal-Mart’s policies pertaining to prices, wages, and profits
are closely connected. The determination of prices and profits has to
reflect the essential importance of fair and adequate compensation and
overall responsible treatment of employees.

Our concern extends to our whole community. As workers gain a living wage,
their more-adequate income is put back immediately into the local economy.
It goes for immediate needs plus some goods and services previously not
affordable. Life for many individuals and families becomes more secure and

We respectfully urge you to respond positively and promptly to the requests
you have received from local government and civic leaders to meet with them
to discuss their concerns.

In addition, we would very much appreciate the opportunity for a delegation
from the signers of this letter to have its own meeting with you, to
discuss further our concerns that Wal-Mart’s operations here be beneficial
to our community. Please respond to Edie Reagan, at Catholic Charities
(272-5062 x12 or ereagan@dor.org).