25th Annual Labor Day Picnic in Ithaca a Resounding Success

Over 300 people attended the 25th Annual Labor Day Picnic in Tompkins County Monday, September 1st, in the first collaboration between the Workers’ Center and the Midstate Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO.

For a pretty good article that appeared in Tuesday’s Ithaca Journal (with a list of the Mother Jones Awardees, Michelle Lopez and Yuko Jingu) and Friend of Labor, Maria Coles, go to: http://www.theithacajournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080902/NEWS01/809020320

25 new people became Members of the Workers’ Center at the Picnic. We encourage those of you reading this news story to become a Member of the Workers’ Center by going to http://www.tclivingwage.org/membership.php