Monday, 9/2: 38th Labor Day Picnic: Women & Gender Non-Conforming Workers & Labor
The Tompkins County Workers’ Center will hold the 38th Annual Labor Day Picnic from 12 p.m./noon to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 2nd, in Ithaca’s Stewart Park Main Pavilion. This year’s Picnic theme will be: Women and Gender Non-Conforming Workers and Labor.

The picnic is free and everyone is invited. Everyone is invited to bring a dish reflective of their cultural background. Free burgers (meat and veggie), hot dogs, and beverages will be provided. Featured music includes: the 86ers; Go Gone; and Open Swim.
The annual awards have become a highlight of the Labor Day Picnic over the years, and this year will be no different. The list of Awards has been expanded to now include: the Mother Jones Award; the A. Philip Randolph Award; the Dolores Huerta Award; the Joe Hill Award; the Chico Mendes Award; the Karen Lewis Award; the Friend of Labor Award; and the Lifetime Achievement Award–all to people for their activism, organizing, and sacrifice at work.
Human service agencies, Living Wage Employers, and other organizations are welcome to have organizing tables at the event. To register, contact, contact the Pete @ the Workers’ Center at, 607-339-1680, or via the website,