Register YOUR Comment BY FRIDAY (7/31) with NYS Department of Labor On Abuses in the Payroll Debit Card Industry
The Tompkins County Workers’ Center (TCWC) runs a Workers Rights Hotline. We have had numerous complaints from workers over the years about the increased use of Debit Cards as the way in which workers are being paid (especially in retail and service industries). (Read this excellent Opinion Piece, Another Fight for Fair Pay in New York, in Tuesday’s New York Times.)
Some of the problems with Debit Card payroll are:
*workers being FORCED to accept their wages on payroll cards;
*big banks and other payroll card issuers are charging workers high and hidden fees simply to access their own wages;
*other payroll card abuses.​
The New York State Department of Labor (DOL) is presently receiving Public Comment on stringent new rules that the DOL is contemplating that would govern the use of Debit Cards as being a way that workers are paid. The TCWC is asking you, if you live in the State of New York, to send this email (see link below: FEEL FREE TO EDIT the email) to the DOL by Friday, July 31st to register your desire.​ To Take Action, please click here and feel free to edit your comments: (alternatively, emails can be sent to