Legislature Takes Up County Living Wage & UAW Living Wage Campaign

The Tompkins County Workers’ Center’s longstanding campaign to Make the Minimum Wage a Living Wage locally is coming to fruition!

We are presenting our case this coming Monday, July 8th, at 3 p.m. to the Tompkins County Legislature’s Housing and Economic Development Committee, our measure to require all employers in Tompkins County to pay a Living Wage, which is presently $18.45/hour, but going up quickly. Can you be there at this meeting @ County Legislative Chambers, 121 E. Court Street, back door and on 2nd floor, to show support for this campaign?

We’re looking for WORKERS who would directly benefit from an increased local minimum wage to a Living Wage to testify for a few minutes at this meeting. Please email pete@tcworkerscenter.org if you’re able to make it and would like to provide comment. We’re also looking for COMMUNITY MEMBERS who are supportive of this campaign to show up in support, as we KNOW that most of you are in support!

We are also very excited by the campaign that United Auto Workers Local 2300 are bringing to Cornell administrators to ensure that ALL Cornell workers ALSO are able to make a Living Wage! AND watch this incredible 4 minute video, We are the Heart, Soul, and Backbone of Cornell, that Local 2300 made of the necessity of the Living Wage campaign!